Grüez­i! Der Herr Gavin Gray is a com­put­er sci­en­tist, read­er, and ama­teur barista ❧ He lives and stud­ies in Zürich where he re­search­es the human fac­tors of pro­gram­ming lan­guage des­ign. He wants the next gen­er­a­tion of pro­gram­ming lan­guages to be more acces­si­ble. His cur­ren­t re­search uses Rust and he has built tool­s that en­able de­vel­op­er­s to in­spec­t two of its most nov­el con­cept­s: own­er­ship and trait­s ❧ Gavin built Aquas­cope, the first tool to au­to­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­ate visu­al­iza­tion­s of Rust’s own­er­ship types. His cur­ren­t work build­s a lens into Rust’s trait solver; the goal is to pro­vide atrait de­bug­ger” that work­s by an­a­lyz­ing par­tial proof trees ob­tained from trac­ing the solver’s ex­e­cu­tion ❧ He is fin­ish­ing his Master’s de­gree in com­put­er sci­ence at ETH Zürich, ma­jor­ing in sys­tem­s soft­ware.